SalesBridges Jerrycan for water and other drinks with tap 15L
Jerrycan for water and other drinks with tap 15L
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Jerrycan for water and other drinks with tap 15L

Price on request

High-quality plastic jerry cans for water and other drinks. With a swivel hood and a drain valve for transporting and storing liquids. Practical emptying with an exhaust valve is a huge advantage. Made from the highest quality HDPE. Equipped with a practi

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Product description

Jerrycan for water and other drinks with tap

15 liters


  • Material: HDPE
  • Usage: water and other drinks 
  • Equipped with tap
  • Online available in 5L, 10L,15L and 20L.


High-quality plastic jerry cans for water and other drinks. With a swivel hood and a drain valve for transporting and storing liquids. Practical emptying with an exhaust valve is a huge advantage. Made from the highest quality HDPE. Equipped with a practical handle.

Product information
Brand SalesBridges
Article code SBJC951270
SKU SBJC951270
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